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    2. ABOUT US

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      Detection means

      Chao Yang Duo Yuan Alloy Casting Co.,Ltd have advanced laboratory, equipped with spectrometer, microscope, hardnesstester, defect detector, universal testing machine, chemical analysis and other advanced equipment, Established a multi-functional chemical dispensing room, with the casting mechanical properties and chemical composition of the measurement and analysis. 


      • Contact us
      • Add:Taohuatu Town Shuangta District Chaoyang City
      • Tel:+86-421-5703588    
      • Fax:0421-5703728
      • E-mail:sales@dyhjcn.com

      Sweeping attention to mobile terminal site
      Copyright:Chao Yang Duo Yuan Alloy Casting Co.,Ltd   ICP filing number:遼ICP備2022008576號-1
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